One of the mandatory be watchful for adult men, especially aged over 40 years is prostat cancer. Prostat gland is a gland in the male plays an important role in the process of reproduction. If a malignant tumor on the gland can become seeds early prostat cancer.
Based on WHO data, in 1998 there are 56 thousand cases of deaths in Europe caused by cancer prostat. At that time there were no preventive action strategies, so that many patients who eventually died.
According to Xu Han quan, Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic of San Chong, there are several symptoms that divided in several categories including:
1. Energy is not smooth, this is making people listless and is not flushed and there is a black spot on the tongue.
2. Hot and humid in the body, marked with the bottom of the swollen belly, and waist to knee stiff, the tongue felt thick and there is a white coating.
3. Kidney is weak, which caused the people often dispose of the water conditions at day or vice versa. There is blood in the urine, and the tool body movement increases feet and hands cold.
4. Liver is weak and kidneys, in this condition will decrease the quality of vision, vertigo, anxiety and insomnia.
The cause of cancer prostat factors other than the descent, as well as environmental factors. For the environment may be caused by foods and beverages that contain a lot of coloring, preservative and nuts that are moldy.
Prostat cancer diagnosis can be made through the gut axis examination, USG, blood examination with tumor mask PSA, Biopsy to last through the inspection network. American Cancer Society recommends that every man since the age of 40 years of tread should routinely conduct inspections once a year. And if in the younger age are experiencing the symptoms above, you should immediately consult the doctor. Detect the self since the beginning, is expected to help to prevent the coming of prostat cancer, and participated lualitas prolong life. (AJG)
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